Another example of a narrative speech is "Once upon a time" which puts us in a world because the word 'once' is past tense in which takes us to a different time, also 'upon a time' is putting us in a world which is different from ours. Narratives are recounted in the past tense in which this occurs the same with 'once upon a time' as this narrative speech is used in a fair tale or a myth, in a fairy tale or a myth it has an effect on the reader as the narrative speech gives meaning such as upon a time in which stimulates or puts us in a world different to ours which previously i have explained.
Narratives are important as it's a way of communicating through films or books. If narrative speech was not in a book or film then a would be less interesting to read or watch in which audience wouldn't be interested as it's a way of communicating, an example of narrative is 'Once upon a time' this narrative creates a few things which is different time as 'once' is past tense, 'upon a time' is a different world. Without this example a book based of myths would be very boring which would put of a reader in which this is why narratives are important.
Their are three different types of narrative theories such as equilibrium, disequilibrium and . Many narratives theories were people who came up with these theories such as Tzvetan Todorov who suggests three narrative theory's have a three part structure which are equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium.
Tzvetan Todorov

Tzvetan Todorov was a Bulgarian theorist, Tzvetan Todorov said that their were five stages structured in a narrative. He suggested that all narratives start with a state of equilibrium, the equilibrium is then disputed by an action or an event, from this their is an attempt to repair the disruption as of which from here their is a reinstatement of a new equilibrium. This narrative structure are found in many film narratives such as finding nemo.
Equilibrium > Dis-equilibrium > New Equilibrium
A film example of Tzvetan Todorov theory is
Vladimir Propp
Equilibrium > Dis-equilibrium > New Equilibrium
A film example of Tzvetan Todorov theory is
Vladimir Propp
Vladimir Propp was also a theorist, he suggests that in a narrative are 8 characters and 31 roles, he also proposed that his suggestion classify's the characters and their actions into clearly defined roles and functions.
Vladimir Propps 8 characters and 31 roles
The hero - Leads the narrative and is usually looking to solve something (a quest)
The Villain - Conflicts with the hero.
The Heroine - Usually a 'reward' for the hero triamphing.
The Father - An authority figure who offers a reward for the hero to complete his or her quest
The Helper - Assists the hero in completing his quest.
The Donor - Gives the hero something such as a special power to help him defeat the villain and win the reward.
The Mentor The master/tutor towards the hero, teaches him the tricks of the trade along the way.
To give a film example of Vladmir Propp theory would be Shrek, the hero of the film Shrek would be Shrek himself as he rescues Fiona. The Villain in Shrek is the evil lord, the heroine is Fiona, the father is the evil lord, the helper is donkey, the donor is fair godmother and the mentor is the cat within the film Shrek.
Binary Oppositions

Binary oppositions was an idea created by Claude Levi-Strauss, the idea or theory if you like was in the twenth century, this theory looks at narrative structure as each character could be opposite such as a good character vs bad character. Binary oppositions is concepts that are opposite in meaning. An example of this would be men vs women, powerful vs weak and good vs evil. Within film narrative's binary opposition is used to show good vs bad in a film. A film example of this would be star wars as the hero would be Luke Skywalker, the villian would be Dark Vador, this is what the audience relates to as of good and evil within films. Binary opposition helps the audience as in a film you can tell from the concepts such as costumes as to what character is the evil and the good, the bad character would be wearing a dark or grey costume where as the good character would be wearing the opposite shade of colour to white. Binary oppositions helps the audience distinguish each character within a film.
I think the theory that is effective opening for our film is Tzvetan Todorov equilibrium theory. I think this as the equilibrium theory fits in to our story of our film opening. A short brief of our story is that matt and his friends are leading a new life but something changes which is the direction they head in and the new equilibrium is Matts life is changed in which you don't see that as it's part of a cliff hanger for our film opening.
Vladimir Propps 8 characters and 31 roles
The hero - Leads the narrative and is usually looking to solve something (a quest)
The Villain - Conflicts with the hero.
The Heroine - Usually a 'reward' for the hero triamphing.
The Father - An authority figure who offers a reward for the hero to complete his or her quest
The Helper - Assists the hero in completing his quest.
The Donor - Gives the hero something such as a special power to help him defeat the villain and win the reward.
The Mentor The master/tutor towards the hero, teaches him the tricks of the trade along the way.
To give a film example of Vladmir Propp theory would be Shrek, the hero of the film Shrek would be Shrek himself as he rescues Fiona. The Villain in Shrek is the evil lord, the heroine is Fiona, the father is the evil lord, the helper is donkey, the donor is fair godmother and the mentor is the cat within the film Shrek.
Binary Oppositions

Binary oppositions was an idea created by Claude Levi-Strauss, the idea or theory if you like was in the twenth century, this theory looks at narrative structure as each character could be opposite such as a good character vs bad character. Binary oppositions is concepts that are opposite in meaning. An example of this would be men vs women, powerful vs weak and good vs evil. Within film narrative's binary opposition is used to show good vs bad in a film. A film example of this would be star wars as the hero would be Luke Skywalker, the villian would be Dark Vador, this is what the audience relates to as of good and evil within films. Binary opposition helps the audience as in a film you can tell from the concepts such as costumes as to what character is the evil and the good, the bad character would be wearing a dark or grey costume where as the good character would be wearing the opposite shade of colour to white. Binary oppositions helps the audience distinguish each character within a film.
I think the theory that is effective opening for our film is Tzvetan Todorov equilibrium theory. I think this as the equilibrium theory fits in to our story of our film opening. A short brief of our story is that matt and his friends are leading a new life but something changes which is the direction they head in and the new equilibrium is Matts life is changed in which you don't see that as it's part of a cliff hanger for our film opening.