Monday, 5 March 2012

Media Evaluation Video

Here is our media evaluation, we had edited this using final cut express using what we had learnt from tutorials and also learning ourselfs how to use it and it's features. We have done this video to explain more in depth and also in a visual way as evaluation on scribd is only writting and images on slides.

Media Product Audience Review

This is another video which we also used final cut express to use so we could edit it. We used Amber as she had watched our film and was giving us a review of what she liked and thought about our media product.We done this video so we could show in a visual way what Amber thought of our media product, this could tell us if we did this successfully or not.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Our Finsished Media Product, Film Opening Wrong direction

This video is our final media product of our film opening, as you can see from a previous post we had a draft in which had mistakes.

We had done a draft to show what we have done so far and also what we needed to improved, from our draft to the our final media product we have improved atlot such as the audio, the audio with the video was out of sync but since then we had fixed this by moving the audio bar on final cut to where it need to be so it was in sync. Another improve was the use of camera work as some of the camera shots did not make sense and also the storyline. The draft showed Dean lost but this happened to quick and we also needed something to show he was lost so we showed Deans phone on the ground to show he was lost. And finally another improvement we did was when Mathrew and Daniel have the camera shot of first person but we needed to show how Mathrew and Daniel have the camera so in the final video of our film opening we had done these improves by going back to the location and filming these shots that we needed so that our film opening made sense.